Yet another ad award - or is it?

So , emptyboxawards@gmail writes to us as a shoulder to cry on:"We can't take it anymore. We're fed up. How many F&^%*@# advertising awards are there for creatives?"
The answer is of course a helluvalot, but nobody cares about 90% of them anyway. Remember what Joanne Lipman said. "Hollywood has its Oscars. Television has its Emmys. Broadway has its Tonys. And advertising has its Clios. And its Andys, Addys, Effies and Obies. And 117 other assorted awards. And those are just the big ones."

emptyboxawards@gmail continues; "That's why we are introducing the worst advertising awards in the industry. They're free, not worth putting in your portfolio, and if you win, your reward will be jack squat. Welcome to The 2006 Empty Box Awards. Awards you create during your lunch hour while billing the time to your client. Awards you create after slapping the dorky glasses off the nearest black turtleneck. Awards where you can savage other contestant's entries. Awards so bad they may actually become entertaining."

Uh-huh, well their snazzy URL , registered via domainsbyproxy of course, leads to a blogspot page where the first thing they do is ask for your help in coming up with a topic. Say wha? You haven't thought this though at all have you? This could be funny, or it could flop - which do you adgrunts think will happen?

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