Who called it? Why, I did! Guinness - 'Noitulove' did win!

The Friday night jungle drums spoke the truth - Guinness 'Noitulove' is this year's Grand Prix winner in Cannes.

Guinness - Evolution / Noitulove

The team at AMV/BBDO, London who brought back the "good things..." line and director Daniel Kleinman can pat themselves on the back now.

Runners up - real close call the Big ad was nipping Guinness' toes!

Carlton Draught - Big ad

And number 3

Sony Bravia - Balls

* I should asterisk that headline. I didn't call the winner really.

La Croisette gossip did.

Well, there ya go. But it makes for a cockier headline that way, doesn't it?
Aw gimme a break it's late Saturday night and everyone else is out drunk while I sit here. *pout*

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