We'll be right back after these 10,000 commercial messages.

Adland reached a new plateau today when we posted our ten thousandth Quicktime commercial on the site.

Bleat! Honk! Br-r-r-r-rappp! Pftbbbble! (That's us tooting our own horn.)

Along with the 10,000+ ads in our commercial archive, here are some other stats we thought we'd share:

Around 900 of those spots come from Shannon Coffey's original Commercial Archive, the first great American advertising collection on the Web (yes, pre-adcritic), and the one that began it all.

Over 2,000 of those commercials come from the Claymore Project, a collection of pert'near all the Super Bowl commercials from the last 25 years - the largest collection of its kind on the Internet, if not the world.

Almost three and a half million different visitors have checked out adland since April 2000 when it became the slashalike communal structure.

Our registered adgrunt (users) count has passed the 12,000 mark.

It's adland, and we're just getting started.

Your humble host unleashed this ad-heaven to the world bitten by the need to yak ads all day and inspired by the steady flood of admails in my inbox to let anyone have a go at it. The soapbox stays and the microphone is ready for you. The archive will continue to grow.

Soon regulars joined the gang - a great big thank you goes out to fellow admin posters Claymore who also hosts sibling ad parody site AdtotheBone, king of all ad trivia and commercial connoisseur Robblink and caffeinated gossip queen the caffeinegoddess.

- Dabitch

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