Real ad men gab about Mad men

Wired asked Antony Young, president, and Greg Kahn, senior VP of Publicis Groupe media agency Optimedia US to talk about Mad Men since they've been around the block. I can't figure out why they didn't ring up our favorite silverback adgrunt, George Parker of adscam instead.... Unless it was because they were afraid that they'd have to censor every second word from the damn answers. ;)

In the end, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one rooting like mad for Peggy. (But I might be one of the few who has a raging faghag/ad-assitant crush on Salvatore):

Antony and Greg: The character we're most fond of (and rooting for) is Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss), the aspiring junior copywriter who is determined to rise above the sexism exercised by both the male and female characters of this fictional agency. She faces a lot of obstacles from both the men and the women in the office. Hopefully, she'll succeed in her ambitions, and maybe join the ranks of some of the talented females who are now the heads of real agencies — Shelly Lazarus, Susan Gianinno and Renetta McCann, to name just a few.

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