
Volkswagen - Ugly is only skin-deep. (1966) printad (USA)

Drinks & Alcohol

Smirnoff - This is the drink that is! Give a Smirnoff Mule party - double page spread, 1966 USA

Drinks & Alcohol

Smirnoff - Haven't tried Smirnoff? Where in the world have you been? (1966) printad (USA)

Transport & Travel

PanAm - The Jet is fairly common, the airline is one of a kind (1965) print USA


Volkswagen - No. It will not replace the bug. (1965) printad (USA)


Kanebo wool, Japan, 1965.


Volkswagen - You're missing a lot when you own a Volkswagen. (1965) printad (USA)


Volkswagen - It would be less than honest to call it a station wagon. (1965) printad (USA)

Drinks & Alcohol

Libby's - Reach for the red refresher! - print 1965


Volkswagen - Will we ever kill the bug? (1965) printad (USA)

Telecom & Dotcoms

Bell System - "I just couldn't wait to tell you... " (1965) printad (USA)


Jantzen - When your number one, says Cousy, you don't have to try as hard - 1965, print

Drinks & Alcohol

1964 Pepsi-Cola & Diet Pepsi Ad - Come alive, you're in the Pepsi Generation! - print

Health & Beauty

Pursettes "They've discovered the tiny tampon that's right even for single girls" 1964

Drinks & Alcohol

Things go better with Coke - printads, 1964


Marlboro - All the world enjoys a Marlboro - print, 1964

Drinks & Alcohol

Falstaff Beer ads - The Gorilla and girl campaign / Surf / Car race / Homebody / Ski trip (1964) print USA

PSA & Public Interest

"The blind are also color blind" - support of the Civil Rights bill, 1964

Electronics & Technology

Kodak Instamatic - "Cameras load instantly, automatically" 1964, print

1 Comment

Levy's Rye: You don't have to be Jewish - 1964
