Nando's - Outbrünoed Brüno - (2009) :60 (Australia)

The Sphere Agency down under hijacked the Sydney film premiere of "Brüno" by driving a hot pink stretch Hummer up to the red carpet, half and hour before the actor Sacha Baron Cohen arrived, out of that Hummer came scantily clad models, and a fake Brüno shouting in a megaphone. Security was soon yanking fake Brüno off the peidistal where he was shouting out Brünoisms, but not before he had time to yell: "This year’s hottest chicks are covered in Peri Peri." - and the female models poured buckets of the stuff over their white T-shirts. Oh, gross.

That's what you get for pulling stunts at the Milan fashion week, Brüno. ;)

The Sphere Agency

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