Magnecote Challenge - competition to create the best PSA for the World Bicycle Relief using magnetic paper - and you can vote!

Seven agencies have been invited to create a PSA for the World Bicycle Relief organization using MagneCote magnetic printing paper. And you get to decide which one gets produced. Check out the entries, and cast your vote at Magnacote/vote. But hurry, voting ends April 21, 2006 - then you can look for the winning entry in the June issue of Creativity magazine.

The competition was conceived by Chicago ad agency Hadrian’s Wall, who solicited the seven agencies, from around the world, to create pro bono print ads for World Bicycle Relief (WBR).

The agencies chosen, Grip, Boone Oakley, Glue Society, Rethink, Jupiter Drawing Room, TDA Advertising & Design, and Wexley School for Girls.

Grip - Toronto, came up with the above idea. MagneCote paper with an image of a mailbox interior is affixed to a real mailbox. Inside is a bicycle with an address card requesting help to send the bike to tsunami victims through World Bicycle Relief.

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