Link Lust: Link Me Tender

Local (read: low budget) ads have a tendency to be rather hokey. OfficePirates have collected some local ads that are so bad they're good - Part 1.

It's that time of year...elections are just around the corner. Scott G takes a look at some of the political advertising (a.k.a. dreck) we get to deal with before each election.

There's always discussion about online shops that sell premade ads, logos, taglines, etc. Apparently one particular company is notorious in some circles for this type of work. They attempt to defend themselves, but Freshly Squeezed Design points out their strawman argument. (Hat tip to the folks at Design Observer)

7 Deadly Sins of Advertising Via Viral Video. Makes some good points we've discussed here before.

Using The Web To Nurture 'Contagious Behavior' Among Customers looks at going beyond viral.

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