Link Lust: Dontcha link me baby?

Colour by numbers lets you control the lights in a tower at the aptly named "telephone square" in Stockholm by pushing buttons on your cellphone. To see what colour the tower is right now, click here..

Mack Simpson found this strange nut crushing package design in Japan. Japanese commercial design is an enterily different world, when they're not posing ninjas(?) in nut crunching positions they're drawing smileys on strawberries and naming chocolates "meltykiss". Dieties bless Hello kitty (even on exhaust pipes)

A Draft ad showing some lions getting it on garners 78 comments at Adfreak (and counting). Who knew kitties were so controversial? Brazilians, that's who - or at least these guys who choose an interesting name for their waxing services. The Pretty Kitty. Mjauw. Or, mja-OW!

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