Globe and Mail - "insider's view of the ad business"

And if you want to know what insiders think about the business, try, a Web site "by the adgrunts for the adgrunts."
Hosted by someone named DABiTCH, this is a good place to get an insider's view of the ad business, warts and all. The site was down yesterday, but it offers links to articles, news, book excerpts and some very funny U.S. Bud Light radio ads. Be sure to check out the section called badland, which lists examples of ads that are remarkably similar to each other.

From the Globe and Mail Monday, Jul. 2, 2001

I don't use all caps when I write 'Dabitch' however... I don't know why the writer John Heinzl felt the need to do that. And the lower-case "i" freaks me out. Just being honest here, guys.

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