“Designers Who Blog” Leaves A Trail Of (Sparkling) Blog Dust

SE Asia: When Catherine (Cat) Morley launched Designers Who Blog (DWB), in September, 2005, her goal was to create the most comprehensive listing of design-oriented blogs available on the Internet. She reached that goal is record time and was awarded several accolades including a listing as a “Top 10 Site,” by leading industry publication, HOW Magazine and selected as one of the Top 10 blogs of 2005 by Industrial Brand Creative.

By January, 2006, DWB has featured over 100 blogs and carried more than 400 links to others. The rules of inclusion became clear over the months – DWB would feature only those blogs that carried relevant content, side stepping those that were of a more personal nature. The formula works and DWB has become the pinnacle of blogs featuring those involved in communication design and associated practices.

The warm and fuzzy element of DWB is the banner which rotates the featured bloggers. The total collection can be found on the DWB featured banner page.
Designers Who Blog’s featured blog roster includes illustrious industry icons such as Jack Yan’s “Persuader” blog, Roger Johansson’s 456 Berea Street, Greg Storey’s Airbag Industries, Cameron Moll’s Authentic Boredom, Jason Santa Maria’s Jason Santa Maria, as well as noteworthy, upcoming bloggers such as Marc E. Babe’s Being Reasonable, and The Prepared Mind by Chris Gee. For a detail of the ever growing list, visit DWB's blogroll.

The story in full can be found at Creative Latitude.

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