Corona's Extraordinary Experience - The Challenge

JWT in collaboration with MPC have launched a new Facebook promotion at the European level for Corona Extra and MTV launch a new Facebook Contest.

Continuing on the concept of "Experience the Extraordinary", Corna will give one person the opportunity to make a dream come true. An "extraordinary experience" will become reality, and will be broadcasted on MTV.

As part of the campaign last year, a young British Dj, a Roman taxi driver and a Spanish amateur rock band knew the feeling of living an extraordinary experience.

Citizens of Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Denmark and Austria are eligible to participate in the competition to explain the "extraordinary experience" that they would like in 100 characters. That's less than a Tweet.

From all the proposed experiences, 10 will go to the final, and one will be a winner. There are two ways to the final: being the most voted by the fans and being selected by the jury. The 10 finalist contestants will win a trip to Ibiza with accommodation included. The winner will have the opportunity to life a real extraordinary experience that will be filmed and broadcasted by MTV.

As shown on the promo, the best way to persuade the jury, is not presenting clichés. I feel that the promo video goes a little overboard with the explanation of originality. But, maybe that's just me. I can just see that one client asking to make it "clear in no uncertain terms we are looking for in the videos."

Check out the Facebook app on the Corona Facebook Page.

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