Change The World for $15 - We Are What We Do - (2008) :45 (Australia)

Agency : Y&R Wellington
Prod. Co.: Prodigy

Y&R Wellington and Prodigy have collaborated to create and launch a 45 sec TV campaign for non-profit We Are What We Do, WAWWD movement within New Zealand to promote its global bestseller book 'Change The World For Fifteen Bucks'. Directed by Prodigy’s Dael Oates, the spot aims to encapsulate the essence of the book - small actions + lots of people = BIG CHANGE and inspire worldwide viewers to take simple everyday actions that can improve our environment, health and communities. With a naturalistic tone, the piece features a series of sharp, succinct imagery of easy everyday actions described within the book, Change The World.

Chrissie Lahood, Executive Creative Director
Anton Hart, Creative Director
Peter Eastgate, Art Director
Director: Dael Oates

Post Production: Animal Logic
Sound: Nylon
Music: Xavier Rudd
Editor: Adam Wills

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