Boneless Pigs for McDonald's McRib Farewell Tour

Dallas-based Moroch Partners has created a creative campaign which celebrates the Farewell Tour of the McDonald's McRib sandwich to a "devoted, cult-like following nationwide". Introduced in 1982, the McRib usually emerges for a short-term, 6-8 week promotion each year. However, the McRib Sandwich is scheduled for deletion from the McDonald's menu at the end of the McRib Farewell Tour.

At the core of the campaign is where fans can find out where and when McDonald's is serving McRib, get McRib trivia, write McRib Haikus, submit their own McRib photos, download official McRib t-shirt decals and even send an urgent phone message to fellow McRib fanatics. They can also sign the "Save the McRib" petition. There's also a link to the BPFAA (the Boneless Pig Farmers Association of America) website,

Read on to see some of the creative.

Here are a couple of the "PSA"s from the site:



The Letter:

Listen to prank call from the website that visitors can program to be sent to their friend's phones.

Listen to "Awesome", one of 7 :30 and :60 radio spots targeting young adult males in English and Spanish.

A bumper sticker which is just one of the promo items found on the site.

Here are two banner ads thatBanner ads were placed on broad reach and young male targeted websites and developed to be consistent with the point of purchase materials and outdoor.

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