Body Shop - Mothers Day - (2015) :90 (UK)

Everyone should pamper their mum on mothers day. For a moment here you might even think that you're inside Buckingham palace, following Charles and Camilla about as they prepapre a less than stellar breakfast for the Queen.

Of course, they're all lookalikes, but it feels quite candid and real thanks to Alison Jackson's style of filming this.

Brand: The Body Shop
Title(s): Mother’s Day – The Queen

Agency: Mr President
Agency website:
Creative Director: Thea Hamren
Additional Credits: Director: Alison Jackson
Production: Mindseye
Sound: Factory Sounds
Creative: Tom Bird
Social Stratgey: Naomi Dunne, Anna-Lucy Terry
Account Director: Tom Trevelyan
Producer: Steph Mylam

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