BETC does it again in new commercial for Canal+

At the end of last week, Canal+ launched a new ad as a sequel to the highly popular "March of the Emperor" ad from last summer. BETC sought a subtle balance between homage and innovation as well as to find balance of similarities and new ideas between the first and second opus. The final product uses the mechanism of quid pro quo between two people: the first one, a CANAL+ subscriber, has of course seen the feature film in question, and the second person imagines a totally different film based on the description given by the first person. The result - humor.

From the press release:
In terms of production, CANAL+ and BETC set out to give new expression to this discrepancy between the crazy character of the imagined script and the very Hollywood, highly polished craftsmanship of the 'real' film: thus the direction alludes to cinema 'classics' (the top shot of the hospital scene, the travelling shot of the installation plan).

But the TV campaign "The Secret of Brokeback Mountain" clearly carries us further than its elder in terms of discrepancy, which takes a turn for the absurd: the narration this time is clearly out of step, while the structure becomes more complex, still with the original quid pro quo resting on the title of the film, but also a second, midway through, concerning an element of love at first site.

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