"Babies who sleep here don't always wake up" - spelled out on mattresses

"We felt we needed to do something bolder and more interruptive to get people's attention, because conventional marketing tactics just don't seem to be working," explains Serve Creative Director, Gary Mueller.

"With infants deaths due to co-sleeping on the rise in Milwaukee, Serve Marketing launched yet another bold and aggressive campaign to urge parents to stop sharing a bed with their infants. This time taking their message to the streets, placing dozens of mattresses stamped with blaze orange babies and provocative messages at busy inner city intersections. One headline reads, “Babies that sleep here don’t always wake up.” Another asks to “Imagine how many more babies would still be alive if they hadn’t slept here.” So far this year, 10 babies have died in unsafe sleep conditions in Milwaukee. The campaign, is part of a larger effort by the City of Milwaukee Health Department to promote safe sleeping habits for parents with small children"

Do note that reserach showing increased risk also noted;

"The risk linked with bed sharing among younger infants seems to be associated with recent parental consumption of alcohol, overcrowded housing conditions, extreme parental tiredness, and the infant being under a duvet."

I do wonder how many of these mattresses will be dragged home to eventually serve as a bed for the children who have cramped living conditions.

Some cities in the world have garbage n the street so often, it becomes a natural advertising space. See also Heineken vs Mini and the giant boxes and the street kids fed on garbage.


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