Alpro - Alpro the movie: A tale of dedication - (2015) 1:20 (UK)

If you’re willing to overlook the fact that a copywriter sat down one day and wrote “We’re on a mission to a fun-tastic adventure” outside a children’s book, then this ad by Alpro milk has its charms. Unfortunately, those charms are rather dented by a narrator who insists on treating you, an adult human consumer, like a little kid.

Belgium-based interactive agency Gents:

To create awareness about Alpro’s exciting world of plant-based products, each ingredient is personified by an adorable 3D brand mascot. This trailer-like introduction gives Alpro fans a peek into a world of plant-based wonders and creates an online prequel to the current TV campaign. The Hollywood-esque piece of animation reveals what takes place before the protagonist in the TV commercial wakes up, thereby affording a glimpse into the big Alpro universe where cute little do-gooders like Ally, Coco and Hazel are dedicated to creating the most naturally tasty ingredients.

We get it, we really do – cute, no, supercute little critters inviting us into the whimsical world of Alpro, where our chibi-headed friends don’t just make almond milk, they make magic! But please - lose the annotations next time, cut this down to a :60, and someone check that squirrel’s bag, he’s blatantly stealing from the company.

Client — Alpro
Int. Marketing Manager Brand Equity — Séverine Distave
Int. Senior Communication Manager — Karlien Mestdagh
Int. Brand Manager Integrated Campaigns — Deborah Nilens
Agency — Gents
Creative Director — Tim Helsen
Creatives — Tim Helsen, Sander Vanermen
Account Director — Leen Van der Mijnsbrugge
Account Manager — Albane Paret
Account Coordinator — Magali Deckers
3D & compositing — Nozon
Audio production — Audiotheque

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